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Search Language Queries

Search Language Queries

TD employs Lucene query for querying alert data. The purpose of Lucene is to provide software developers with an easy-to-use toolkit, facilitating the implementation of full-text search capabilities within target systems or to use this foundation to build a complete full-text search engine.

Key Matching

You can specify fields to search in the query syntax:

  • where the status field contains active

  • where the title field contains quick or brown

    title:(quick OR brown)
  • where the author field contains the exact phrase John Smith

    author:"John Smith"
  • where the first name field contains Alice (note how we need to escape the space with a backslash)

    first\ name:Alice
  • where any of the fields book.title, book.content, or contains quick or brown (note how we need to escape the * with a backslash):

    book.\*:(quick OR brown)
  • Search for "foo bar" in the title field and "quick fox" in the body field.

    title:"foo bar" AND body:"quick fox"
  • Search for either the phrase "foo bar" in the title field AND the phrase "quick fox" in the body field or the word "fox" in the title field.

    (title:"foo bar" AND body:"quick fox") OR title:fox
  • Search for the word "foo" and not "bar" in the title field

    title:foo -title:bar
  • where the field title has any non-null value:


Wildcard Matching

  • Search for any word that starts with "foo" in the title field.

  • Search for any word that starts with "foo" and ends with "bar" in the title field.

  • Note that Lucene doesn't support using a * symbol as the first character of a search.

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